Some items in Buy with Prime orders are eligible for return and refund. To start a return, view your order status from the link in the email that you received after you placed your order or from your Amazon account on the Your Orders page under the Buy with Prime Orders tab. You can initiate the return process and choose from a number of return options, including label-free, box-free returns and convenient dropoff locations, such as Amazon physical stores, Whole Foods Markets, or UPS Stores. If the item is eligible for return, but not for label-free, box-free returns, you can still return the item at USPS or UPS locations in a box with the provided return label. For eligible items, you receive a full refund if they are in resellable condition and returned within the return window. If you have questions about returns eligibility or the returns process, contact customer service using the link on the order detail page. Buy with Prime orders are covered by theĀ Amazon Pay A-to-z Guarantee.